Hello world. It has been several months since my last post. I have thought often about what to write but never sat down to put my fingers to the keys. If I find I don't have much to say I don't say it. I don't feel the need to express every thought that passes through my mind nor to post it on social media. We live in such a different world from even ten years ago. Recently I watched an interview with Adele and she said that when she released her second album there wasn't all the social media that now exists with the release of her third album. It's so easy to forget how life was before whatever new thing comes in. I like to think through my thoughts and decide if they need to be said or not. Contrary to what social media has made possible not everything should be posted. I do enjoy certain venues of the social media world. I just think they should come with a cautionary title page. Perhaps it would read something like this.
"We welcome one and all to this world of social media. It has been designed for
your viewing pleasure. We see it as a way to connect with people in a way that
you might otherwise never have been able to do. It should be used with care and
consideration. Pictures of yourselves sitting on the toilet are not helpful to
anyone. Everyone poos but we don't all need to experience that with you.
Those of you who are super proud of your bodies do not need to share your
birthday suite. We here at social media world are thrilled that you pound the gym
four hours a day and have the body of a twenty year old. However, we would
greatly appreciate a veil in the form of clothes between your unclad body and our
eyes. Children will see the pictures on this media outlet so there is no reason to
scare them with unneeded exposure. Enjoy this avenue of artistic expression with
care and consideration. Many happy posts from the team at Instapics."
I used to post more things of a political nature on Facebook and truly none of them are helpful. I have no idea what I was thinking other than my passions were running my fingers. Never a good thing. Our passions shouldn't be expressed at the expense of crushing another.
I have been thinking about what my voice is in the world of blogs. Minimalism has been very close to my heart but do I really want to talk about that every time? Not really. I am interested in many different things and would like to just write as I feel led through whatever is around me in my life. I have read so many blogs in the last several months and found them to be encouraging and thought provoking. I wish to do the same for others.
This coming year holds many variables. We are attempting to move to Oregon. Many questions and unknowns are involved with moving and they are increased the bigger the move. This would be an out-of-state move so there is much to consider and cover in prayer. Where we are now in this process is waiting for the yes to an open door or the no stay where we are. I find myself praying that God takes us to where He wants us. I loath where I live but I don't want to be blinded by that emotion and only think about escaping. There is a much bigger picture that God sees so I do not want what is not good for me and my family. I have no idea how this will go. In this way of prayer and anticipation we await the direction of the Lord.
I will now be signing off but I would like to leave you with this. The final destination of life is what ultimately matters the most. Heaven and eternity should be thought of with great care. Jesus dying on the cross is no small matter to be ignored and "dealt with later." Later can come instantly with no more time for reflection. The Bible will tell you what you need to know. Delay no longer and open your heart to Him. May you all see Him shine in your lives.
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