Thursday, June 18, 2015

Why I'm Throwing My Hat In The Ring

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     I have been asking myself for awhile if I should write a blog. Blogging is such a large community and I'm jumping in late in the game. As I peruse Instagram and different blogs I have found myself encouraged by people's lives and thoughts. There is only one me and my story and experiences might encourage another. I don't have all the answers. I actually feel like I have less answers the older I get. Every soul has value, so if only one person's heart is lifted and encouraged then it's all worth it.
      My mind was fluttering with what to call this blog. With so many names and clever titles I wanted something authentic and reflective of my life. I reached into my silverware drawer and saw my different forks and spoons and I was struck with a couple thoughts. I don't have matching silverware and my life has never matched up perfectly to anything. Quite the opposite. If it can go wrong it will. I'm pretty organized but I seem to always be missing some vital peace information. I hang my pictures at different heights with one always being slightly off. I'm a relationship girl not a social butterfly. Give me a good cup of coffee and a good friend and I feel like life is fulfilled. I have lived near Hollywood and its influences for most of my life. The older I get the less enchanted I am with celebrities and the more I find myself wanting to leave it all behind and live near nature, peace and quiet. I had a history teacher in high school say that we have a tendency to want to return to our roots. I always remember his words because I have felt myself drawn back to a time of simplicity in an overcomplicated and self-imploding world.
     I have two teenagers, thirteen and sixteen. I have been married for over eighteen years. I'm sure there is wisdom in there somewhere but it is mostly covered in exhaustion. As if being a parent isn't enough, my husband and I decided to homeschool our children four years ago. I say that with zero arrogance. It was a decision that we were called to do for our children. Not everyone gets that call. I have never been more scared of anything but I'm very glad that we did. More on that in another blog.
Our marriage has survived against some incredible odds. I really attribute it to Jesus. Somehow He has brought us through.
     My desire for this blog is for people to just feel encouraged and not alone. I am in one of the loneliest times of my life. I have a wonderful husband and children but we are not surrounded by wonderful friends. The town we live in is full of people and stuff but exceptionally empty. Parenting in general can be very lonely. You're just trying to get your kids through different milestones and challenges. I am trying to see God's purpose in us living here but nothing has been enlightened to me at this point. I do not feel that I have the corner market on hardships. Everyone comes with their own set. I am only offering my life as a testament of God's grace and love despite it being riddled with some real whoppers. God is a loving God and there is extreme human suffering. Theologians, attempting to answer this problem have caused egregious errors in trying to explain who God is. Somethings can't be explained or answered. That's just how it is.
     I look forward to this new journey and invite you to come along for the ride. We aren't always glamorous but we are legit.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the Blogosphere! There's plenty of room here for everyone, especially thoughtful bloggers who write about REAL STUFF with compassion and humor. Keep writing! I look forward to reading about your journey!
