Open space in your life for people and
experiences not things.
I'm still alive. My days and weeks have been filled with the dispersion of the accumulation of things. I had no idea what my summer would look like. Usually it's spent on trips to the beach, swimming and enjoying not having to do school. When I stumbled on The Minimalists for the umpteenth time I finally sat down and read what they had to say. Several hours later after watching you tube videos and reading blogs on how people have changed their lives by living with less, I felt emboldened and realized that I too was ready to jump into less.
I chose words for the title of this post to reflect how my life has gone from all kinds of stuff to finding rest and contentment in my place. There wasn't an area of my life that didn't have excess. What we really need are relationships with people and the time to do those well. When you spend your life cleaning and organizing you really don't have the energy to contribute in a life or do something you really want. How many times do you find yourself saying, "wow I wish I could do that but my laundry and kitchen look like a tornado hit. I need to spend the next four hours cleaning it up." Maybe you don't need all that stuff to clean. When you look at your life it is a wisp of smoke. How much of it do you want to use on your stuff? How much more time would you like to do the things you actually want to do. The message of consumerism is that you always need more. Consumption is a part of life and necessary. Compulsory consumption is where the problems lie. When you step back and start being intentional with the things you buy you might surprise yourself on how much you really don't need. Here is a recent example from my life. Our couch was completely worn out. Couldn't sit on it without pain and discomfort. We walked it out to the front and it was hauled away. Normally we would go and buy a new couch. Not this time. We have lawn chairs in here and one of my kid"s beds is out here as they like to camp out in the summer. None of us are in a hurry to add anything to our place. There is nothing wrong with owning a couch. We will probably going to get one eventually. I just think it's important to stop and think and wait. We are enjoying our apartment more and more as things go away. I want to buy something after there is much thought put into it. Not just run out and buy the next thing.
This is a picture of how cluttered our place had become. No we are not minimizing our children. If you look past their cute little faces you can catch a glimpse of how every space was being overrun.
This is where we are as of today. I look around and feel so much freer and happier. I'm not adding things. I'm learning what I value and letting go of everything else. An empty space is ok. It doesn't have to be filled with anything. Perhaps with opening up space you can invite people or more lasting and enjoyable experiences. I wanted to share a little of what has been happening over the last several weeks. I love books but was being taken over by them. I challenged myself to move to one bookshelf. I love that all the books I own matter to me and are ones that I want. For some other books I am going to start using a Kindle. I know it's not the same as books. Did I mention I love books? I just realized that I want to use more of the digital age we live in. I can now take a bunch of books with me without dragging a suitcase behind me. Here are some other things.
1) Cleared out a bunch of pages that I had liked on Facebook. I have no idea
why I was following all these pages but I didn't care about any go them.
Seeing all that info daily was draining. Too much energy. I also cleared
out people who just aren't in my life. I don't feel obligated to keep people
on Facebook just because. Relationships come and go. It's important to let some
of them go.
2) Everyday I started unsubscribing to e-mails. I don't know why but I would get
e-mail everyday and just delete it. Time wasted on stuff I don't care about. I'm
not buying stuff so I don't need all the information filled with deals and sales. I
love not being bombarded with all the useless promotions telling me I need
3) All my bills are e-bills. I had a big 4 drawer file cabinet holding files filled with
papers I don't need. Oh the forests that have been lost to my shredder. By
utilizing the digital age I was able to sell the file cabinet and get a very small
file holder that sits on wheels. It is so small and wonderful. This change made
a huge dent in clearing space in a small closet we had. I also have less brain
energy spent on knowing it's full of stuff but never knowing what it is.
4) I turned off all my notifications on my phone. This has been HUGE. For
someone who had developed the social media and e-mail checking twitch,
this has been magnificent. My husband actually inspired me in this. He did it
first and as he was talking about it I thought I would try it also. It's wonderful.
I feel like I'm living in life's moments and not being distracted by other
things pulling at my attention.
5) Photos and albums. I'm sure there are groans. This took days to fix. I had
albums and they were taking up precious space. I never look at these albums.
So I emptied all my albums and then my daughter and I spent the next
several days seeing what we had on the computer and seeing what still
needed to be put on disc. A monumental project that I'm happy to say is
done. I did discover that I'm not attached to every picture ever taken.
Realistically no one is. We just accumulate and wind up buried under all
these memories. I deleted photos. Don't miss them. I have plenty. I don't
want anything that weighs me down. Memorabilia is a sand pit. Clear it out.
You will be ok.
I really only want to have things I'm using and fill my life with people I love. Things are tools that enable us to accomplish stuff. I want room for experiences, growth as a person and contentment. It's impossible when every thought is captured with the next thing we want to buy. There is no room to find value when your packing it in. I feel like I'm almost here but I want to be able to walk away from all of it. I like what I have but I do not want to be owned by consumerism any longer. Don't be afraid of discomfort and empty spaces. Let it all settle in around you. Change isn't usually easy. We have to reset our brain and impulses. Put yourself in check. Dig deep and leave nothing unturned. What remains may surprise you. Don't look back.
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Lean In
The strangest thing has been happening as my things leave this house. The more I get rid of things the less I want. When I was acquiring things it never seemed to end. It was never enough. As the daily relinquishing happens I am experiencing a domino effect. When you don't have tons of clothes you don't need big suitcases to hold all your stuff. When you have less movies you don't need another piece of furniture to hold them. Utilize the digital age we live in. We develop a twitch over the years of when we come upon something we think we need we go get it. Instead stop and ask what your adding to your life that requires stuff to hold more stuff. Make stop your new twitch. See if you can borrow something instead of buying it.
I wanted to encourage you all in this journey of less. I have been working non-stop for the last several days. For awhile it looked like everything was getting worse. Like I'm never going to get all this stuff out of here. This is when you need to lean in and press forward. I was inspired by one of the blogs I read to start with clear countertops in the kitchen. For 18 years I have never had that. Two nights ago the mission was accomplished.
I wanted to encourage you all in this journey of less. I have been working non-stop for the last several days. For awhile it looked like everything was getting worse. Like I'm never going to get all this stuff out of here. This is when you need to lean in and press forward. I was inspired by one of the blogs I read to start with clear countertops in the kitchen. For 18 years I have never had that. Two nights ago the mission was accomplished.
This is just one shot of my kitchen. This dresser had three appliances and cutting boards and a cart next to it. I sold the cart. I found new homes for the other two appliances because by getting rid of other stuff I made room for what I actually use. Nothing in my life has gone untouched. Movies and music have been purged. I got rid of some wine glasses but kept the ones that were given to me by a really good friend. They are small and a little swirly and irreplaceable. They have the greatest value, I enjoy them and use them. I encourage you to ask your friends and neighbors if they need anything. People love free stuff and maybe it will spark a conversation that you might not normally have. Be generous with others. You never know what others need or in what way they are struggling. It's not even really about the free thing. It's the act of a perfect stranger giving them something without expectation that reaches into the deep recesses of the soul. The other night I was laying in bed looking at the moon and I was overcome by how beautiful it was. In that moment I was able to relish the beauty of the moon completely. I felt like I wanted for nothing and the hounding of "I want" was silenced in the beauty of moonlight. I live in a small apartment and I can actually say I have space.
In my last blog I made a statement to the negative about a person only having 100 things. I would like to make a new statement which reflects what I meant to say more fully. I have deep admiration for those who live with little and value relationships more. You are why I'm moving towards minimalism. Every time I start to hold onto something I think hey, others have let go and allowed better lasting things in their lives. I can let go. So thank you for your inspiration to live mindfully and with purpose. For those of you in a robe on top of a mountain, smoking a pipe, I dream of peace and quiet. You have managed to find it. Some of the great joys in life are having an appreciation for how we are all made differently with our likes and dislikes. With all my heart I desire to welcome all and learn from each other. As we grow together we can encourage one another towards being the best of who we are.
If you live near a Trader Joes then you can purchase these there. If not just find an Italian sparkling red wine and some kind of blood orange sparkling soda. I poured these into a pitcher. I added a bag of frozen fruit. Chop into chunks two lemons, two limes, (no peelings) and 2 apples. Throw it all together and your done. It's refreshing and delicious.
Lean in and be bold in your decisions. Challenge yourself like never before. Reevaluate what value means. You might just be surprised by joy and freedom.
Monday, June 29, 2015
Walking Away From the Stuff Jungle
Hello to all!

I am excited about todays post. This has been a wonderful week of revelation and revolution. You may ask, is it because you get to leave the desert and move where it rains and is perpetually green? Sadly no. I must remain in this abyss of a brown and waterless existence. But that's ok because there is much work needed right here in my own heart and home. I have been surprised by the more stuff I take out of my apartment the more I have. How is that possible? The truths of life can be found in paradoxes. Nobody says it better than Jesus. Those who mourn will be comforted, the humble will inherit the earth, the first will be last and the last will be first. As I have taken action in my life to walk away from the jungle of stuff I have found a freedom in my soul and mind. What if you could have that meaningful life where meaning came from relationships and experiences instead of stuff?
My journey began about a year and a half ago when I looked around my apartment of 11 years and realized I had accumulated so much stuff I was drowning in it. I decided at that moment to start selling stuff off. I looked at many pinterest boards to help with ideas of the right furniture that could serve two purposes. Thus began the great unloading. I still can't believe I was able to sell as much as I did. In one week I sold over 70 items. Wallets, vases, dishes and many other things that I can't actually remember. Clearly non of these things were adding value to my life. I was able to take the money and get the right furniture that allowed us more room. The most astounding feeling was the mental uplift of not having all that stuff. After the overhaul last summer I looked around and thought much better I'm done. Little did I know this was only the beginning.
When people hear minimalism they think an apartment with a chair and a vase and that's it. I think it's important to define something before you jump on in. Minimalism is NOT deprivation. It is NOT picking some random number of items and making your entire life about staying within that number of items. Minimalism itself isn't even the endgame. It's a mindset that can help bring freedom.
"Living an abundant life derives from traveling a journey of intentional self growth. It's functioning through your true self to live a simple life. It's getting good at being simple. Self simplicity becomes the clarity in which you find meaning. It's the removal of the unnecessary. It's the discovery of what you value most." Joshua Becker

These photos are my most prized possessions. My husband and I were only married a couple months when he walked in the door with the Ireland picture. I have never forgotten that moment and I have treasured this picture for 18 years. The Jamie Oliver book was another gift from my husband that took me completely by surprise. I love Jamie Oliver and used to watch him cook back in the very early days of his career. The reason this book is so special is because I had had no idea that it existed so I didn't even have it as a thought. This book has always been one of my favorites because the experience of receiving it was so wonderful. The other two pictures are collages I made of my life as a young child with my mother. They capture the essence of my life. I am really proud of how they turned out. The goat figurine was another gift from a dear friend. I grew up with goats and when she gave this to me I was so touched. I have treasured it for 13 years. The mug is a gift from another friend. She painted the Genesis 1:1 verse on it because she knew that it was one of my favorite verses. The black and white photo of my mom is priceless to me. She was a beautiful person inside and out. The Farm Fresh sign was given to me by the same friend who gave me the mug. I love this sign. I had mentioned that I was looking for something like this and on my birthday she surprised me with it. The board and paint aren't where the value is. The woman who made this with her artistic hands is what makes the board and paint have value and keep it from being just another thing. Every time I look at it I think of my friend who is one of the most valuable people in my life.
"True life is found in the invisible things of life: love, hope, and faith. Again, we all know there are things in this world that are far more important than what we own. But if one were to research our actions, intentions, and receipts, would they reach the same conclusion? Or have we been too busy seeking happiness in all the wrong places?" Joshua Becker
This resonates deeply with me. We are programmed from a young age to buy more, have more, get more, want more. Having a coffee table isn't bad, but do you ever stop and ask yourself, do I need one? Why not unsubscribe to all those e-mails that flood your life every morning? Maybe turn off the social media notifications so that you are able to live in the now with those around you, uninterrupted. For me minimalism means freeing my mind and checkbook so that I can sincerely open those before God and ask what He wants us to do with our money and time. The Bible talks about how it was for freedom that Christ set us free. Yet do we actually live like that or are we creating homes filled with stuff as if this was our permanent home? Living with less is going to look differently for everyone. I have gone from four bookshelves to two. I'm selling off a cabinet that housed a bunch of dishes I didn't really use. I feel lighter and freer.
There is so much information out there on how to live with less. The two sites that I have found most helpful are and These gentlemen are inspiring and balanced. Nobody is in a robe, smoking a pipe on some mountain telling people to move up there with them. They are challenging the way we think. They are asking us to reconsider and learn to find value not more stuff. My personal challenge to you all is to read through the above links first. Go with an open mind. Maybe there is a bookshelf that at one time was helpful but now it just takes up space. Maybe that drawer that you keep stuffing things into needs to be eradicated. Take time through this journey. It's not about getting rid of all your stuff and sitting in an empty home, sulking. This is your life. Start living with purpose and intention. Consider gratitude a discipline of the heart. Change your thoughts from "I can't wait to have that" to "I have enough and what can I give away." I leave you with this.
"While rearranging our stuff may cause us to look at each of our possessions, it does not force us to evaluate them-especially if we are just putting them in boxes and closing the lids. On the other hand, removing possessions from our home forces questions of passion, values, and what's truly most important to us. Organizing may provide a temporary lift to our attitude. It clears a room and subsequently clears our mind, but rarely paves the way for healthy, major lifestyle changes. Our house is too small, our income is too little, and we still can't find enough time in the day. We may have rearranged our stuff...but not our lives.
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Sangria and Friends
Hello all!
It's a Sunday afternoon and my son is swimming in the pool. Living in an apartment has its ups and downs. I have great neighbors but sometimes I want space. Everyday I long for trees and green. I live in Southern California so it's drought, desert and lot's of brown. I feel like I'm withering away. Anytime there are clouds or rain my spirits lift and I am ready to take on the day. The sun just makes me hot and grumpy. My husband's job is really centered here. He is a fireman with the speciality skill of being a Dozer operator. I cannot think of a more suitable job for him. I am so proud of all the things he does at work. He stepped into a position in 2008 that had been vacant for quite sometime. The dust had collected and no one really knew what was going on with the dozer. He has put it together from the ground up with barely any training. Seven years later he has created a module at work where the guys enjoy working with him and don't really want to leave when fire season is over. My husband is a deeply compassionate no nonsense type of guy. He looks at work as something to take pride in, not to just show up and collect a paycheck. The kids and I just swell with pride when we see him. He is our protector, provider and he deeply loves his family. He's one of the good one's and I'm so grateful that God brought us together and that he is the father of our kids.
Wow, I hadn't planned to talk about that yet but that's apparently where I needed to go. So back to Sangria and friends. In my first blog I talked about how life can be very lonely. Not only do I live in a desert but my life has felt like a desert. Sometimes it feels like it will never end. My husband has applied for jobs elsewhere in his field of work but God keeps closing the doors. It's hard not to feel like God doesn't play favorites when you see others getting out of here or moving on with life. The last no that my husband received about a job possibility just made me a little angry. I want something and God is saying no. So He and I have had a heart battle over the last week. I can say now that the anger is gone and I am going to trust that He knows what He's doing. God brought me to this place after two evenings spent in the company of some wonderful friends.
I had texted my girlfriend to see what she and her husband were up to last Friday night. She said they were going to their home group and we were welcome to come. A couple years ago we went through some painful church stuff and the wounds went deep. In life sometimes you just need rest on the couch. Then the day comes to get off the couch and engage with people and try again. The older we get there is a tendency to think how it is, is how it will always be. You stop trying and miss out on life. I want to be bold and walk towards God with all things. Even when He says no to me I want to trust His love and know that I can rest and talk with Him under the shadow of His wings.
So I leaped into trying this home group. I had no idea who was there or what it would be like. I have to say that walking into a room of people I don't know is petrifying to me. Usually I want to find the nearest corner and be invisible. Well that's not going to happen when your out with my friends Walt and Trina. They are these loving outgoing people with hearts of pure love. They drew my husband and I in and introduced us all around the group. What a delightful group of eclectic people. The group is for 20 to 35 year olds but they also want people who are older to bring encouragement as well. The older reaching to the younger. I really was touched by this group of people. I have never encountered a home group like this. Full of love and prayer. This isn't a group of perfect people with perfect lives and plastic smiles. Everyone has stuff and we are all just trying to move closer to God and know who we are in Christ. My soul was refilled and I can't stop thinking about them.
I also went to a new church because it has a Saturday evening service. My husband works Sundays and has been unable to go to church for far too long. Family life is about adjusting and finding what works for the whole good of the unit. I was once again filled up by the wonderful music and the company of Walt and Trina. Our husbands have never had the same days off so this is a special treat to be in church together and possibly a home group. Folks, life is full of valleys with some peaks thrown in there. Has my life completely changed and everything perfect? By no means. I'm still in the desert. Arrrg. I am relearning how to rest in the person of who Jesus is. I'm learning about God's love for me and how to trust that again. How to come off the couch and out of the desert into life even when I'm still living in the desert. Our first instinct isn't to run to God when He tells us no or doesn't do what we think we want. But that is exactly where we need to run to and just talk to Him. Lay it all out and don't quit. You never know what's around the corner.
I leave you with walk in boldness and walk towards God.
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Why I'm Throwing My Hat In The Ring
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I have been asking myself for awhile if I should write a blog. Blogging is such a large community and I'm jumping in late in the game. As I peruse Instagram and different blogs I have found myself encouraged by people's lives and thoughts. There is only one me and my story and experiences might encourage another. I don't have all the answers. I actually feel like I have less answers the older I get. Every soul has value, so if only one person's heart is lifted and encouraged then it's all worth it.
My mind was fluttering with what to call this blog. With so many names and clever titles I wanted something authentic and reflective of my life. I reached into my silverware drawer and saw my different forks and spoons and I was struck with a couple thoughts. I don't have matching silverware and my life has never matched up perfectly to anything. Quite the opposite. If it can go wrong it will. I'm pretty organized but I seem to always be missing some vital peace information. I hang my pictures at different heights with one always being slightly off. I'm a relationship girl not a social butterfly. Give me a good cup of coffee and a good friend and I feel like life is fulfilled. I have lived near Hollywood and its influences for most of my life. The older I get the less enchanted I am with celebrities and the more I find myself wanting to leave it all behind and live near nature, peace and quiet. I had a history teacher in high school say that we have a tendency to want to return to our roots. I always remember his words because I have felt myself drawn back to a time of simplicity in an overcomplicated and self-imploding world.
I have two teenagers, thirteen and sixteen. I have been married for over eighteen years. I'm sure there is wisdom in there somewhere but it is mostly covered in exhaustion. As if being a parent isn't enough, my husband and I decided to homeschool our children four years ago. I say that with zero arrogance. It was a decision that we were called to do for our children. Not everyone gets that call. I have never been more scared of anything but I'm very glad that we did. More on that in another blog.
Our marriage has survived against some incredible odds. I really attribute it to Jesus. Somehow He has brought us through.
My desire for this blog is for people to just feel encouraged and not alone. I am in one of the loneliest times of my life. I have a wonderful husband and children but we are not surrounded by wonderful friends. The town we live in is full of people and stuff but exceptionally empty. Parenting in general can be very lonely. You're just trying to get your kids through different milestones and challenges. I am trying to see God's purpose in us living here but nothing has been enlightened to me at this point. I do not feel that I have the corner market on hardships. Everyone comes with their own set. I am only offering my life as a testament of God's grace and love despite it being riddled with some real whoppers. God is a loving God and there is extreme human suffering. Theologians, attempting to answer this problem have caused egregious errors in trying to explain who God is. Somethings can't be explained or answered. That's just how it is.
I look forward to this new journey and invite you to come along for the ride. We aren't always glamorous but we are legit.
I have been asking myself for awhile if I should write a blog. Blogging is such a large community and I'm jumping in late in the game. As I peruse Instagram and different blogs I have found myself encouraged by people's lives and thoughts. There is only one me and my story and experiences might encourage another. I don't have all the answers. I actually feel like I have less answers the older I get. Every soul has value, so if only one person's heart is lifted and encouraged then it's all worth it.
My mind was fluttering with what to call this blog. With so many names and clever titles I wanted something authentic and reflective of my life. I reached into my silverware drawer and saw my different forks and spoons and I was struck with a couple thoughts. I don't have matching silverware and my life has never matched up perfectly to anything. Quite the opposite. If it can go wrong it will. I'm pretty organized but I seem to always be missing some vital peace information. I hang my pictures at different heights with one always being slightly off. I'm a relationship girl not a social butterfly. Give me a good cup of coffee and a good friend and I feel like life is fulfilled. I have lived near Hollywood and its influences for most of my life. The older I get the less enchanted I am with celebrities and the more I find myself wanting to leave it all behind and live near nature, peace and quiet. I had a history teacher in high school say that we have a tendency to want to return to our roots. I always remember his words because I have felt myself drawn back to a time of simplicity in an overcomplicated and self-imploding world.
I have two teenagers, thirteen and sixteen. I have been married for over eighteen years. I'm sure there is wisdom in there somewhere but it is mostly covered in exhaustion. As if being a parent isn't enough, my husband and I decided to homeschool our children four years ago. I say that with zero arrogance. It was a decision that we were called to do for our children. Not everyone gets that call. I have never been more scared of anything but I'm very glad that we did. More on that in another blog.
Our marriage has survived against some incredible odds. I really attribute it to Jesus. Somehow He has brought us through.
My desire for this blog is for people to just feel encouraged and not alone. I am in one of the loneliest times of my life. I have a wonderful husband and children but we are not surrounded by wonderful friends. The town we live in is full of people and stuff but exceptionally empty. Parenting in general can be very lonely. You're just trying to get your kids through different milestones and challenges. I am trying to see God's purpose in us living here but nothing has been enlightened to me at this point. I do not feel that I have the corner market on hardships. Everyone comes with their own set. I am only offering my life as a testament of God's grace and love despite it being riddled with some real whoppers. God is a loving God and there is extreme human suffering. Theologians, attempting to answer this problem have caused egregious errors in trying to explain who God is. Somethings can't be explained or answered. That's just how it is.
I look forward to this new journey and invite you to come along for the ride. We aren't always glamorous but we are legit.
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